Hello travelers!
Below are the patch notes for hotfix 0.5.07!
For more information on planned features coming in future patches, check out the Holomento Roadmap!
New Features
User Interface Additions
- Added a compass that displays directions based on the camera rotation
- Added a single objective to the compass that shows the general location of where a traveler’s journey ends
- Added an option in the menu to disable the compass
- Update the Save Selection Menu visuals
New Items
- 3 New Greatsword Weapon Levels:
- 3 New Poleaxe Weapon Levels:
- Updated models and hitboxes for Knight enemies and bosses
- Added impact splash AOE damage for Knight enemy minibosses on certain attacks
Combat Additions
- Added critical hitboxes for all enemy heads
- Added SFX for critical hits
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the grip point for greatsword weapons to appear more accurate in the traveler’s hand
- Fixed a bug where getting up from being knocked down would respawn enemies in an area
- Fixed a bug where travelers would be unable to move after doing certain combos
- Disabled melee attack snapping to giant enemies
- Added a minimum time between hits the player takes (0.5 seconds)
- Added a small ground impact splash AOE for player for the final hit of the Sword & Shield and Greatsword weapons
- Reduced overall projectile gravity to improve accuracy when using the Magic Gloves and Sword weapons
- Improved accuracy of sword projectiles to hit closer to the center reticle
- Fixed the inconsistency of sword projectile spawning
- Improved the consistency of Magic Glove projectile spawning
- Fixed a softlock hole at X:11713 Y:-50885 Z:3580
- Fixed a bugged enemy spawn in the tutorial
- Fixed several text issues with enemies in the collections tab of the book menu
- Fixed a bug where you could get stuck near the gate to the Lush Valley