Hello travelers!
Below are the patch notes for hotfix 0.5.06!
For more information on planned features coming in future patches, check out the Holomento Roadmap!
New Features
Game Difficulty Modes
Casual Difficulty
- Money and Resources are NOT dropped on death.
- Enemies tend to be weaker.
Normal Difficulty
- Money and Resources dropped on death.
- Enemies are varied.
Hard Difficulty
- Money and Resources dropped on death.
- Enemies are more difficult.
- Rolling uses stamina.
Bug Fixes
Rat King Changes and Bug Fixes
- Increased Rat King base health
- Updated Rat King movement to prevent clipping inside cliffs and rocks
- Fixed a bug where the Rat King wouldn’t perform his noxious breath attack correctly
- Decreased overall time between Rat King attacks
- Updated pathfinding for Rat King waterfall attack
Combat Changes and Bug Fixes
- Updated enemy healthbars so they don’t appear to have 0 health while still alive
- Added cooldown for multi-hitting melee damage on bosses and enemies
- Added animation for enemy healthbars when enemies die
- Added animation for health being chipped away on enemy and boss healthbars
Rolling and Dodging Changes and Bug Fixes
- Travelers can now dodge through enemies and won’t get stuck on their hitboxes
- Increased dodge animation speed while aiming
- Fixed a bug where sometimes dodging out of attacks would make you dodge awkwardly in-place.
- Improved overall dodging feel and speed while in combat
- Travelers can now dodge/roll out of being staggered/knocked back
- Fixed a bug where Bone Traps weren’t despawned when traveling to different areas
- Fixed a bug where Dungeon Keys weren’t despawned when traveling between different floors
- Fixed a bug where spawned items weren’t despawne when traveling between different floors and areas
- Fixed the texture for spawning in desert rats
- Added new skull indicators for enemy difficulty (levels 1-5)